Clit-ical thinking!

So I have stumbled upon another informative yet mildly inappropriate video to share with you all on the topic of the female orgasm. This time the video talks about the clitoris and it’s relation to orgasm! Enjoy!

How a Nerd Describes Orgasms

While this video does start out a little strange, Dr. Doe does a great job explaining what actually happens during the final two phases (orgasm and resolution) of the human sexual response. She also has a video explaining the first two phases, excitement and plateau. Her channel is all about sex and super educational. I’m kind of sad that I didn’t find it until the end of the semester! Enjoy!

Weekly Update: 11/25 – 12/01

Thanksgiving break was much needed! I came back feeling much less stressed and ready to finish out the semester. I began work on my presentation over the break. I went through the major points in my paper and and wrote out a pretty basic outline for my powerpoint. I’ve put editing my final draft on the back burner for a few days, but after my presentation on wednesday I plan on getting back to it. I know that I keep on saying how crazy close to the end of the semester it is, but I mean really! We are only two weeks away! One presentation and one paper away from the end of Senior Seminar. It’s crazy!

Weekly Update 11/18 – 11/24

So this week has been much like every other week of the semester. There is always something looming in the future and it becomes nearly impossible to focus on more than one class at a time, especially with that physics test coming up tomorrow. I’ve been working on my final draft here and there over the past week, but I haven’t been putting as much time as I would like to into it. I have, however, been reading over a few more papers that I will probably add. Is it Thanksgiving break yet?

Weekly Update 11/11 – 11/17

I was quite right about my freedom being short lived. I received my feedback the Monday following my last blog post. So now it’s on to revisions. I have been lucky in finding a few more sources that I would have had to pay for through Transy’s server. I was able to download them while at UK’s library for free, saving me a huge headache and quite a lot of money. Since I am one of the last to present, I plan on putting in a lot of hours this week on my final draft. Hopefully this will free up my time over Thanksgiving break to get my powerpoint together. It’s crazy to think how fast this semester has gone by. We only have two more full weeks before finals week! I may be at the peak of senioritis, but I am not ready for this semester to be over!

Inequality in Hookups

While doing even more research over the past few days I came upon this recently published article in the New York Times, “In Hookups, Inequality Still Reigns”. The article discusses multiple studies in which the female orgasm is the subject. The first was a study by Justin Garcia which found that females were twice as likely to achieve orgasm through intercourse or oral sex when they were in a serious relationship as opposed to hookups. The second study by Paula England took information from 24,000 college students over a five year period. This study found that only 40% of women orgasmed during their last hookup while 80% of males did. But 75% of women said that they orgasmed during sex in their last long term relationship. So, why are women hooking up when they are less likely to achieve orgasm? Some say that is about giving each other a sense of intimacy, even if for a short time. Another says it’s exciting because it’s spontaneous.

While this article isn’t exactly on topic with my paper, as it focuses mostly on hookups and not the actual orgasm, it is interesting to think about. If women are more likely to orgasm during a serious relationship, can it be thought of as an indicator? One man cited in the article says that he doesn’t try as hard during sex when he doesn’t have feelings for the girl. Meaning that the male is putting more effort and time into making sure the relationship is working. Here the orgasm could be thought of as an indicator in mate choice. If females are looking for a mate that is invested in the relationship, someone who cares about whether or not their partner orgasms is probably pretty invested and will likewise continue to be invested in the relationship.

Weekly Update 11/04 – 11/10

I finally turned in my first draft! It was one of the scarier things I’ve ever done, but it was also like having a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. For the first time in a long time I could think about something other than my paper or the looming due date. I could marathon New Girl and not feel guilty. However, I know this new found freedom is short lived because after I get my feedback it will be back to work. I know my draft isn’t perfect, but that is why is it is only a draft. I’m sure there will be a few kinks to work out over the coming weeks and maybe even a few more sources. We shall see.

Weekly update: 10/28 -11/03

Over the past week I have been working towards getting my first draft ready to submit. I’ve been looking for more articles and making sure that my paper has the flow that I want it to have. The most challenging part of this process is carving out time to sit down and work on it. This semester has been overwhelming to say the least. With a different test every week it is hard to focus on something other than what is due right at that moment. However, I am excited to turn in my first draft. It seems like just yesterday we were choosing topics and now we are almost finished!

Weekly Update: 10/21 – 10/27

This week I got my feedback on my annotated outline and had a workshop day where I asked my group to look over my paper introduction. So I spent most of my time working on my intro and working my way through my feedback so that I could start working on my first draft which is due extremely soon (sooner than I thought). The feedback from both my workshop day and my annotated outline will be helpful as I start my first draft and move on to my presentation and final paper.

Weekly Update: 10/14 – 10/20

I’ve spent most of my week working on my annotated outline, which was due on Friday. The outline was a little more than I was originally expecting and I am still looking for a few primary sources, but I really think it will help me write my first draft. Most of my research is finished, but I would still like to look into future research that could be or is being done. I am also planning on working more on my introduction this week. I wasn’t sure exactly what to put it in, so I figured I should spend a little more time on it. Other than that I think my paper is on the way to being finished!